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Свечки на RSX type S

Добавлено: 15 апр 2008, Вт 8:57
В каталоге на clubrsx.com нашел следующие свечи на RSX type S

NGK-IFR7G-11KS (http://www.clubrsx.com/cr/NGK-IFR7G-11KS-p-ENSP.html)
NGK-BKR7EIX-11 (http://www.clubrsx.com/cr/NGK-BKR7EIX-11-p-ENSP.html)

цены на сайте соответственно: 49 и 33 бакса (за комплект из 4 штук)

цена на экзисте: 78 и 44 бакса (за комплект из 4 штук)

разница в свечках:


BKR= technical info, such as thread size 14mm, its a 5/8" plug, and special electrode ground such as resistor plug, type required for our car
7 = cold rating, 7 is stock for a type-s
E = type of electrode tip
I = Iridium
X = booster gap, or gap between electrode and ground
11 = the gap measurement between electrode and ground this equals .044 which is a stock gap


I = Iridium
F = tapered seat
R = Special ground electrode or resistor type, kind required for our cars
7 = cold rating, stock just like the other one
G = type of metal use in the electrode, i believe its some nickel alloy
11= gap .044 just like stock
KS= 5/8" plug and its reach

you will be fine running either one in your car, since your midly modded, if you were extensively modded, cams k-pro and other engine mods and you were sticking with the 7 cold rating i would tell to probably go with the IFR7G-11KS they might last just a bit longer than the BKR7EIX-11